Tag Archives: I do

Whispers in the wind

A mind with soaring thoughts and dreams,
Whose words and actions make hearts gleam,
Living with admirable standard,
Ensuring love is never slandered.

Tasting love, both sweet and sour,
Feeling the power of love’s hour,
And then one day, a stirring within,
A pull towards something, considered a hidden sin.

Drawn to those with a certain spark,
Whose beauty and grace leave an everlasting mark,
The courage to act on this flame,
Without fear of what society may claim.

For love is not a choice, but a force of nature,
A powerful voice that defies nomenclature,
And we know that we cannot deny,
The call of our hearts, the reason why.

Living life with unapologetic love,
Showing the world that love is a gift from above,
Standing tall, facing the world with pride,
Never letting fear or judgment make us hide.

Spreading our wings, flying so high,
Above the clouds, touching the sky,
Finding our way, through the light and dark,
Leaving behind the pain and the mark.

For a mind with soaring thoughts and dreams,
Deserves a love that’s pure and regal, it seems,
Being true to ourselves, and our heart,
Letting our desires play their part.

And when we do, we’ll know for sure,
That love is the cure, the ultimate lure,
Being at peace, with ourselves and our fate,
Knowing that we’re strong, and our love is great.

So let us rise, like eagles in flight,
Embracing our love, with all our might,
And knowing that love will come in its own time,
Our hearts will soar, in a flight divine.

We’ll break free from the chains of doubt,
And let our love scream and shout,
For it deserves to be heard,
And cherished like a precious bird.

Our love will know no bounds,
And will continue to astound,
Those who once thought it couldn’t be,
Or tried to make us flee.

We’ll walk with heads held high,
Never once giving in to the lie,
That our love is somehow wrong,
Or that it doesn’t belong.

For love is love, in any form,
And it’s something we should never mourn,
But rather celebrate and share,
With those who truly care.

So let us love with all our might,
And never back down from the fight,
To show the world that we are strong,
And that our love will carry on.

And in the end, we’ll look back,
At all the love that we didn’t lack,
Knowing that we lived with courage and grace,
And that love was always in its rightful place.

Our love will be a beacon,
a light that shines so bright and true,
Inspiring others to be themselves
and embrace love in all that they do.

We’ll stand together, hand in hand,
Against all obstacles that may stand,
And our love will be a shield,
Protecting us from all that’s ill-concealed.

And as we move forward on this path,
With love as our guide and our steadfast,
We’ll keep on spreading joy and love,
And watch as it takes flight like a dove.

For love is the greatest gift of all,
And it’s something we should never stall,
But rather embrace with open hearts,
And let it guide us to new starts.

So let us continue on this journey,
With love as our compass and our attorney,
And know that wherever it may lead,
Our love is all that we will need.

We’ll dance through life with joy and glee,
With our hearts full of love and free,
And share that love with all we meet,
Making the world a better place to be.

We’ll embrace each other, soul to soul,
And let our love take on a greater role,
For when we love with all our might,
The world becomes a more beautiful sight.

Our hearts beat as one, in perfect sync,
As we stand together, without a blink,
Facing the world, with all its might,
And letting our love shine bright.

We’ll overcome any obstacle in our path,
And we’ll do it with love, not wrath,
For love is the key that opens every door,
And it’s what makes life worth living for.

With every step we take, our love grows,
As we share our joys and our woes,
Together we’ll face each day anew,
With love as our guide, and our hearts true.

We’ll hold each other tight, and never let go,
As we journey through life’s ebbs and flows,
With every challenge, our love will grow stronger,
And our bond will last, forever longer.

For love is the glue that binds us tight,
Through every day and every night,
And with love, we’ll face every test,
Knowing that together, we are blessed.

So let us continue on this journey,
With love as our guide and our attorney,
And know that wherever our love may lead,
We’ll have each other, and that’s all we’ll ever need.

We’ll dance through life with grace and ease,
And our love will light the way with its gentle breeze,
Guiding us towards a future bright and true,
Where our dreams and hopes will all come through.

And as we walk this path hand in hand,
We’ll spread love throughout the land,
For love is contagious, and it’s free,
And it’s something we can all give and receive.

So let us keep on loving, day by day,
And never let anything stand in our way,
For our love is a beacon of hope and light,
Guiding us towards a future so bright.

Together we’ll create a world filled with love,
A place where everyone is accepted and beloved,
And our love will be a shining example,
Of what’s possible when we choose to be noble.

So let us continue on this journey,
With love as our guide and our attorney,
And know that wherever our love may lead,
We’ll have each other, and that’s all we’ll ever need.