Monthly Archives: November 2023

Evalyne’s Melody: A Symphony of Love and Loss

O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the works Thy hands have made,
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy pow’r thru-out the universe displayed!

Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!

In the shadow’s grasp, a dear soul departs,
Evalyne, our savior, with compassionate hearts.
Through the abyss of our lowest low,
She emerged, a beacon, a comforting glow.

A rescue in times when hope seemed lost,
She paid life’s toll, no matter the cost.
Beloved in our family, a pillar so strong,
Now, in memory, her melody’s song.

Cancer’s cruel grip, a relentless fight,
She faced the darkness, embraced the light.
Tough were her days, yet she smiled,
A testament to a spirit so beguiled.

Financial storms, she helped us weather,
Evalyne, our friend, tied our hearts together.
Encouragement flowed in her words so sweet,
A symphony of kindness, a soul replete.

Now, as she rests in eternal peace,
May pain and suffering find their release.
To our dear Evalyne, an angel on high,
In the dance of heaven, where tears run dry.

Unspoken news, a burden we bear,
For in illness, we deeply care.
Yet, in the memory of Evalyne’s grace,
We find strength to face each sorrow’s embrace.

In the afterlife’s hope, a sanctuary,
Evalyne, a symbol of life’s best story.
God, in His wisdom, took the finest bloom,
Leaving us to grieve in this earthly room.

One day, cancer’s grip will loosen and fade,
A promise we cling to, a debt unpaid.
Till then, in the tapestry of memory,
Evalyne lives on, in love’s legacy.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9

Harmony’s Unveiling

Psalms 51:10, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

In stillness, a garden unfurls,
Petals dispel gloom in nature’s swirl.
Whispers of hope, a fragrant twirl,
Purity pursued, a bloom in the quiet’s pearl.

Time’s river bends, currents mend,
Wounds cleansed, hearts blend.
Destiny’s threads, love’s transcend,
In purity’s pursuit, a seamless blend.

No echoes linger, shadows flee,
In forgiveness’ light, serenity’s key.
Wisdom’s grains, vast as the sea,
In purity’s pursuit, tranquility set free.

Amid quiet, a phoenix soars high,
Wings of redemption heal the sky.
Silent lessons, wisdom’s sigh,
In purity’s quest, old echoes comply.

A canvas reborn, life’s hues arrayed,
Brushstrokes of resilience, a portrait portrayed.
Echoes fade, past’s charade,
In the changing gallery, a masterpiece laid.

Galatians 5:25: “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”

Chains unbound, past erased,
Metamorphosis embraced, a soul retraced.
Amid trials faced, sacred space graced,
In purity’s pursuit, harmonious grace embraced.

In the garden, serenity roots deep,
Blossoms dispel the moot, whispers keep.
Nature’s tranquil flute, a secret to keep,
In purity’s chase, life’s sweetest fruit to reap.

Time’s river bends, currents clear,
Wounds mend, hearts draw near.
Threads of destiny weave sincere,
In love’s pursuit, purity draws near.

No lingering echoes, shadows pass,
Forgiveness radiates, a healing mass.
Wisdom’s grains, vast repast,
In purity’s quest, tranquility amassed.

Ephesians 4:32: “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Premise on accountability and commitment

In order to keep myself motivated and committed to achieving my goals and resolutions and being my best self, I’m penning this message to myself. I am aware that I have high standards for myself, but I also believe that with effort, tenacity, and a positive outlook, I can meet those standards.

The opportunities that are in front of me thrill me, and I am prepared to seize them wholeheartedly. No matter how insignificant the steps may seem, I’m dedicated to making progress every day. I will be proud of my accomplishments and take lessons from my mistakes in the knowledge that each one will help me get closer to my ideal self.

Although I am appreciative of the help and inspiration from those around me, I also understand that my journey is personal and that I am ultimately responsible for my own growth and development. I have faith in my skills and ability, and I won’t let worry or uncertainty prevent me from attaining greatness.

So I think to myself, “Let’s do this!”

Let’s fully commit to our plans and resolutions, and let’s welcome the difficulties and chances that come our way.

Let’s always strive to be our finest selves.

Dedicated and enthusiastic,

The one I aspire to be, embodiment of my perfect self in stature, composure, competence, and form. Perfect, achieved all opportunities for illustriousness, and left a mark.