Monthly Archives: March 2017


…overcoming formidable problems together is captivating. Cooperation becomes, therefore a condiment. Zacharia Ria

My associates view me as a mentor- for the record, though I enjoy being engaged in volunteer activities with enthusiasm. It’s part of me, we’re inseparable. All along. Let’s get down to the facts. IMHO, our acts should be compelled by the desire for a better than I found it kind sort of mentality.

I regard this as the essence of my accountability. Not doing tasks for credit, or to ganner recognition ad nauseam but based on originality. Be it participating in nationally organized events to scheduling activities at the societal level or family extent. Visiting institutions such as schools and interacting with among others students transforms my experiences intriguingly. However, the pleasure derived after overcoming formidable problems together is captivating. Cooperation becomes, therefore a condiment. The serving is being better inclined to show compassion. Consequently, the feeling of contentment after successfully unleashing my missions becomes inevitable. What I do, I tutor; as a mentor.

To those who might be experiencing hard times, the fun start after knowing and interacting with a compassionate individual who never succumbed to the issue at hand. I value being there to tell from experience, and show that shaping your future is a dosage that you always need, like the air you breath.

Why should I spend my weekend at the children’s home? Why should I spend my off day in hospital? Why should I volunteer cleaning the ghettos or spend my holiday at a tuition center, such as Ray of Hope Kenya?… [Why should you ‘ping-pong paddle’?] Because I care, and I immediately get the confidence of doubt to those I haven’t acquainted to yet- yay…yay! It may seem obvious, and rather easy lest I’m mistaken. But, how many times do you do similarly vis-a-vis planning for a myriad of events such as parties BluhBluhBluh… I feel blessed interacting with people, whose perspective on life I can change- unleashing their destined destination. I hope I do, and it serves me well; instead of indulging into acts that I’ll definitely desregard or even regret being associated with the next second, or after contemplation. My postulations are fair and impartial.

Apparently, I get engaged aiming to MAD {Make A Difference}. The outcome is always infectious. This directly translates to efficiency. The results are passed on, and giving back is always valued. Being the catalyst for this process makes me contented. Efficiency, Cooperation& Accountabiliy.

Mission ACE accomplished.